Disclaimer: This article is re-written based on the Asia Education Review’s "Top 10 Women Education Leaders in Schools from Indonesia 2024" magazine.
The Education sector of Indonesia is growing at CAGR of 10.48 percent and is expected to reach a net value of 40.45 million dollars by 2029 according to Statista. During the past 15 years, the government has made extended efforts to develop the education segment further and currently with 50 million students and four million teachers. Technology innovations have also played a vital role in shaping the perception of modern education. Institutions across the country have adopted advanced LMSs that organize every aspect related to all the processes that are followed in schools.
It is noteworthy how the country has witnessed the growth of women education leaders who have added enormous value to education in Indonesia. Not only have they been able to understand how to create an organized education framework, but also have integrated several technology tools and systems that make courses more interactive for students and teachers alike. However, being the head of institution does not guarantee professional excellence which is why despite advanced infrastructure, many institutions fail to attract students owing to a lack of visionary leadership that arises from passion and dedication. Dr. Ruth Maureen is one passionate leader who started Cita Persada School in 2005 and has gained significant wisdom because of her dedication towards creating an excellent education framework.
She started the institution with only the KG section and now the school educates students with a Junior High division where children from the age of 18 months-15 years come to study. She has created an unparalleled course framework that follows the Cambridge International Program, This is an important aspect that makes her institution stand out in the highly competitive education sector of Indonesia. "Since childhood, I had a passion for this career. I loved teaching pupils while growing up and that is the reason why I started with this school. It is not just another institution in Indonesia but a physical manifestation of my life's dream", mentioned Dr. Ruth Maureen, Founder, Cita Persada School.
Growth Story
As mentioned earlier, Dr. Ruth Maureen had a passion for this profession since childhood and that ignited the fire in her to emerge as one of the rising women education leaders in the country. The story of her growth is truly inspiring. One of the other reasons for her excellence can also be her diversified education background that has its roots in the country which is one of the top countries following the modern education system, the USA. She graduated in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Colorado, USA after which she pursued a Masters in Management in Prasetiya Mulya University, Indonesia. It was only a decade after she started her institutions that she realized that it was important for her to gain a degree in Education to make her institution achieve success. This mindset made her take up the Masters of Education course in 2016 at Monash University, Australia and finally finish her Doctorate in Education from Northeastern University, USA in 2020.
Dr. Maureen's passion and dedication to her profession have made her cross several hurdles after which she turned out to be victorious in all her life's professional endeavors. Apart from being the Founder of the school, she also holds education workshops and is a seminar trainer. Dr. Maureen is also serving in the prestigious position of Curriculum Trainer for the Indonesian Ministry of Education.
Looking Ahead
The primary motto of Dr. Maureen is to follow the words of the great Martin Luther King Jr., which are "Intelligence plus character is the true goal of education". She believes that intelligence is important in a student but it is the character build-up that makes all the differences in life. This is why she puts much effort to create such an education framework that puts special focus on shaping the characters of the students so that they can give it back to the society. This initiative instills a sense of belonging in a young individual and creates a sense of purpose in them. This is one of the important characteristics of the school's learning that has been valuable in creating its reputation. "Looking ahead, we plan on keeping up with the good work and keep educating young individuals to make an impact on society. We want to emerge as one of the trusted institutions in Indonesia in the coming years", concluded Dr. Maureen.
